When you and your family make the decision to build a brand-new home in Calgary, the first thing you think about is the design of the home. The next step is to choose the right lot to build on. Consider a few of these questions designed to help you evaluate lots so you can find the perfect one for your new home.
What Direction Does the Lot Face?
The answer to this question is important because it relates to the amount of sunlight your home will receive. The rooms in your home may be supplied with lots of sunlight or very little depending on the direction your home is facing. Most people have a preference of how much sunlight they want flowing into their home.
An eastward facing home gets a lot of sunlight in the morning as the sun rises.
A westward facing home receives a lot of afternoon sunlight.
A south-facing home will give you warm sunlight in the wintertime as well as a lot of sun in the summer months.
A north-facing home doesn’t get much sunlight shining into the front of it and may affect how quickly snow and ice melt on your front walk and driveway.
Is Your Home’s Design Compatible with the Lot's Size?
The size of your lot should be compatible with the dimensions of your home. If you want an abundance of open space around your home for a garden or a play area for your kids, then you’d need to choose a lot that would allow you ample space after the house goes up.
If you want a deck in the back of your home for barbecuing and outdoor parties, it’s best to choose a lot allowing plenty of open space out back after the house is built. Thinking about how you plan to use the yard space around your home is really helpful in settling on the right lot for you.
Is the Lot Close to Stores and Other Businesses?
Maybe you want to build a new home on a lot located a short distance from stores, healthcare facilities and other amenities. You like the idea of popping out to get your shopping and other errands done while leaving plenty of time left for fun in your day. You can do your own research by timing your drive from a particular lot to the shopping centre/business area. Be sure to factor in traffic levels at different times of the day.
Would Your Lot Be Easy for Others to Find?
Perhaps your family hosts get-togethers with friends and loved ones on a regular basis. If so, you should consider whether a lot would be easy for your guests to find. Do you want a lot located deep within a neighbourhood? Or, would it be better to choose one located just a street or two from the entrance to the neighbourhood? In this case, your lifestyle would be a factor to consider when choosing a lot.
What is the Long-Term Plan for the Neighbourhood’s Development?
It’s best to consider the future development of a neighbourhood before choosing a lot for your new home. For instance, maybe you want to enjoy a beautiful view from your bedroom window. Will you be able to enjoy the same view from your bedroom as other homes go up around you? The developer has a long-term plan for the neighbourhood you can study to see what will be going up around your home and when it's scheduled to be built.
Is the Lot Located Near the Entrance to the Neighbourhood?
Of course, there are pros and cons to choosing a lot in this location. If you build here, you’ll have traffic passing by at all times of the day and night. Alternatively, you’ll be able to leave and return home in a shorter amount of time than someone living several streets into the neighbourhood. It all depends on the personal preferences of your family.
Is it a Corner Lot?
A corner lot is appealing to many people because they love the idea of having the additional yard space. Also, a home on a corner lot has easy access to parking on two streets.
When considering a corner lot, you must remember you’ll have traffic travelling on two streets near your home. In addition, you’ll have less privacy than someone in a home nestled between two others.
Is the Lot on a Cul-de-Sac?
Maybe you really like the idea of building your home on a lot in a cul-de-sac. A cul-de-sac allows your children a contained place to play with their friends where you can observe them from your home. This is preferable to many parents who want to avoid living on a busy street.
On the downside, it can take more time to clear a cul-de-sac after a large snowfall. Also, living on a cul-de-sac doesn’t afford you much privacy because of the way the homes are arranged.
Lastly, the answers to these and other questions can be useful in giving you more clarity about the type of lot you want for your new home in Calgary. Remember every lot has its advantages and disadvantages. Talking with your builder can be helpful in making your final decision on where to build your dream home.