NuVista Homes - Blog

Ways New Developments Are Focusing on Families

Posted by Earl Raatz on Jan 09, 2018

The concept of "home" is much more than just the house you live in. Home is a place where you feel welcomed, where everything you need is right at hand. And home means that you live in a community you're proud to be a part of.

How to Rock an Open Concept Design

Posted by Earl Raatz on Dec 19, 2017

In considering the pros and cons of an open concept floor plan, you've likely reached the conclusion that they provide homes with great looks and increase versatility in any living space. 

As you stand and admire your open concept area, though, you're likely wondering how to properly decorate this vast space.

The Benefits of Letting Your Builder Lead You to a Lender

Posted by Earl Raatz on Dec 12, 2017

When building a new home, it can be complicated trying to get a mortgage. Fortunately, you don't have to go into it blindly if you're working with a good builder. 

Although builders are in the business of (obviously) building homes, quality builders establish relationships with mortgage lenders they trust to work with.

6 More Practices for a Better Financial Future

Posted by Earl Raatz on Dec 07, 2017

Last month, we gave you some practices for a better financial future and now we're back with more!

The end of the year can feel like a financial frenzy, where all our ignored bad habits come back to haunt us. If this sounds like your current reality, but you're determined to start next year off on the right track, read on. 

6 Practices for a Better Financial Future

Posted by Earl Raatz on Nov 30, 2017

The end of the year is approaching. Are you in control of your finances, or are you already cringing at the thought of holiday expenses driving you into the red? 

Here are six quick tips for solving next year's money problems before they even begin.

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