NuVista Homes - Blog

Calgary Food Bank Donation - Feburary 2023

Posted by Earl Raatz on Feb 14, 2023


Pro's and con's of building new...Is it worth it?

Posted by Earl Raatz on Feb 08, 2022

Are you wondering whether new homes are worth buying or should you just buy a pre-owned home? In most cases, buying new construction will be an excellent investment for several reasons. Even if the market seems hot now, interest rates, warranties and energy efficient products play a positive role. We have provided some helpful Pro’s and Con’s to assist you in making the right decision for you and your family.  If you're buying in a new community, you'll be able to compare pricing from various builders but be aware, not all builders offer the same specification package, services or warranty.

Why the supply chain delays affect your home build.

Posted by Earl Raatz on Dec 01, 2021

The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) reported in late October that the average home construction project in the country was facing average delays of seven weeks in the third quarter of 2021, a figure that’s only worsened from the previous three months. Why is this?

Why being the cheapest home builder is not a good thing.

Posted by Earl Raatz on Jun 30, 2021

We'll never strive to be the cheapest. It's not in either of our best interests.

Things to know for getting your down payment together.

Posted by Earl Raatz on Mar 16, 2021

Most Canadians aren't used to saving up for things.

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